No New Messages

Fezly is a collection of tools and experiments attempting to be a cohesive product.

The tools built here were initially created to solve some of our own frustrations with existing alternatives. We hope that you find these tools to be useful for self-guided learning and home-server management.

Among these tools are:

  • Nodes — A simple Markdown based note-taking tool with support for Math notation and Syntax Highlighting for code. Nodes can be shared with friends on Fezly, shared with friends outside of Fezly via a one-time token, or published to the world under your Fezly account.
  • Messages — A messaging system with the same Markdown support as Nodes as well as video-conferencing.
  • Timeline — A simple personal time tracking solution which aims to impart a sense of urgency on your day.
  • FOS — A virtual web-based desktop with a FileManager for access to your own devices with support for a growing number of file types. You can read books (PDF and EPUB), stream music (MP3 and FLAC), stream MP4 videos, edit code, and share files/folders with friends.

The primary product that Fezly provides is the FOS which is a virtual web-based desktop with access to all of your own devices. It provides a familiar desktop-like interface that is synchronized in real-time across all views, be that a large desktop monitor, your smartphone, or a room-sized television screen.

Fezly itself does not store the files on your FOS devices; instead, it facilitates access to your own data. We aim to encourage content ownership and to help stem the tide of content centralization away from various streaming providers. You should be able to access your content with the convenience of a centralized service without sacrificing ownership. We are constantly working to make FOS more stable and to support an ever-increasing number of file types and features in the virtual desktop.

Registration is open for anyone who wants to see the real thing and give it a try.

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